Sunday, 16 February 2014

American Mary - My thoughts

I've spent the entire weekend in bed coughing and spluttering with a particularly nasty cold, and have had to rely on my trusty PS3, Netlix and my dvd/blu ray collection for solace.
If there is one positive that can be taken from the last few dismal, phlegm-ridden days, it is that I've finally got round to watching my 'American Mary' blu ray that I purchased some weeks ago. I'd read a lot about it, most of it good, so my expectations were high, and thankfully I wasn't disappointed.

What a strange, wonderful ride it is; filled with bizarre, often carnival show grotesque characters, it's the kind of gloriously weird experience that is rarely encountered in the modern horror genre. The tragic Beatrice, a woman who has used body modification to turn herself into a living caricature of Betty Boop is one of the most memorable and original characters I've seen in a horror movie since the demented Captain Spalding in Rob Zombie's 'House Of 1000 Corpses'.

There are no heroes and villains in this piece; they're all bad, some are just badder than others, or perhaps not, perhaps just bad in different ways. All are well developed and intriguing, there's no room for blandness in this movie, only desires sought and fulfilled. There's always a price to be paid, though....

If you like horror, or even just dark humour and an original twisted tale, you owe it to yourself to check this gem out.

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