Sunday, 26 January 2014

News on my next story thoughts on 'Cabin in the Woods', and current horror movies in general

Currently doing some research into various figures from Greek mythology for my next horror story. A  clash between modern and ancient cultures, and the living and the dead will ensue...

On another note, I watched 'Cabin in the Woods' a few nights ago and absolutely loved it. It completely turns the whole slasher genre on its head and manages to be funny and scary, a difficult feat to achieve.

Every creature of nightmares gets to make an appearance, literally all of them! It is without doubt the smartest and most original horror film I've seen for a long time. A most refreshing change from the current trend of weak remakes, sequels, and even sequels to weak remakes. Aaaargh!

Who would have thought that there will soon be a Nightmare on Elm Street 2...2?! Insane. Freddy, and all other franchises that are being rebooted should be allowed to be incinerated in their respective boiler rooms in dignity. I'd rather see original classic horror films re-mastered and rereleased than poor imitations.


  1. I agree. I wince every time I hear of a reboot or a remake of a horror film, especially these days. However, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because once upon a time, The Fly and The Thing were being remade and I'm sure film lovers cringed back then, too. Then again, people like Cronenberg and Carpenter knew what they were doing and opted to make a good story instead of a slick, vapid remake of style over substance with pretty faces.

    Cabin in the Woods was a breath of fresh air. I made sure that's one I saw at the theater and now own on Blu-ray.

  2. Very true, 'The Fly' and 'The Thing' are incredible remakes! The way Carpenter builds the tension, even from something as simple as Kurt Russell pouring beer over his chess computer, is incredible. Some of the best animatronics ever, too. To be fair, the 'prequel' that came out a few years ago wasn't the disaster I assumed it would be. Keep meaning to watch them back to back, the way they ended it means it would be quite a seamless transition from the prequel to the original...

  3. I saw the remake of The Thing and it was ok. Too reliant upon computer graphics whereas the 82 version sported amazing effects thanks to Bottin and crew.

    Carpenter's version still has one of the best last lines ever..."Why don't we just wait here for a little while? See what happens." Incredible that the film wasn't well regarded when it was released.
