Sunday, 6 April 2014

Hunting? It's a Right Royal Gas

So Princess Anne has decided the way to protect the livestock paid for by the UK taxpayers on her vast estate is to gas any resident badgers, thus eliminating the alleged risk of her luxury moo cows contracting TB.

This is a practise that was outlawed in 1982, but I very much doubt the royal cretin realises, or cares, about that fact. Laws are for commoners after all, to stop any of the great unwashed getting uppity and threatening the lives of the privileged.

I find something about the concept of a member of the monarchy standing by while canisters of cyanide hiss under the ground, filling the homes of innocent woodland creatures with noxious death intensely disturbing.

What would she be doing? Laughing and joking while the 'little chaps pop off to sleep'? Would she be there when they pulled their lifeless bodies out of the ground?

The whole concept is deeply unsettling to me. Perhaps it's the abuse of huge wealth and power to kill a helpless being; the huge disparity between the two protagonists that disturbs me. The brutal elimination of something wild and free by someone who is almost the epitome of the establishment? Yes, I think perhaps that's it.

Because we all have that cyanide canister hissing away in our home, whether we choose to acknowledge it, it's there.

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